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Ex: trucks, machines, 0259-467585
Ex: Ygrec Pagini Utile
Ex: RO, Oradea, BH, 410004

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Results for foraje in Counties BUCUREŞTI, ILFOV 1 - 1 of 1
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BUSINESSES serving Counties BUCUREŞTI, ILFOV Rate these results | Request a quotation
FORETIS SA 021-3465486
Sediu Bucureşti (B), Str. Eşarfei 93
Piloţi şi micropiloţi foraţi. Pereţi mulaţi. Ancoraje în teren. Foraje pentru alimentare cu apă şi epuizmente, inclusiv montarea instalaţiilor şi exploatarea sistemelor de epuizment. Consol....
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Keywords(s) Who / What
and/or Business name Business name
Located in Where
Ex: trucks, machines, 0259-467585
Ex: Ygrec Pagini Utile
Ex: RO, Oradea, BH, 410004

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